Sunday, December 11, 2011

32 weeks and counting

WOW…32 weeks pregnant already! I feel like time has flown by and now we are 53 days away from our due date and I am praying for time to stand still. I am not exactly sure what emotion fits right now…I am experiencing them all. Mainly I am anxious to meet our little guy, but I am also scared and nervous for what is waiting for him

However, Joseph and I started taking Hypnobirthing classes so it has taught me how to channel my emotions and turn them into positive thoughts. Please check out this website for further details.  This class is amazing! I recommend it to any expecting mom!

I have got to see and hear Isaiah 2 times since our last visit to San Fran. We had our baby shower in San Diego November 26th. He was 2 pounds 11 ounces then and showing off on the big screen. Then I had another ultrasound with my Dr here in Reno on the 5th of December. Isaiah weighed 2 pounds and 14 ounces which is 31 weeks gestation. As you can see by the chart, he is considerably small from what he is supposed to be:
27 weeks
14.41 inches
1.93 pound
28 weeks
14.80 inches
2.22 pounds
29 weeks
15.2 inches
2.54 pounds
30 weeks
15.71 inches
2.91 pounds
31 weeks
16.18 inches
3.31 pounds
32 weeks
16.69 inches
3.75 pounds
33 weeks
17.20 inches
4.23 pounds
34 weeks
17.72 inches
4.73 pounds
35 weeks
18.19 inches
5.25 pounds
36 weeks
18.66 inches
5.78 pounds
37 weeks
19.13 inches
6.30 pounds
38 weeks
19.61 inches
6.80 pounds
39 weeks
19.96 inches
7.25 pounds
40 weeks
20.16 inches
7.63 pounds
41 weeks
20.35 inches
7.93 pounds
42 weeks
20.28 inches
8.12 pounds

But his heart is still extremely strong and the Dr’s have no other concerns at the moment.

Our last follow up visit to San Francisco is the 19th of December. We will be setting a date then to move there. They want us to move there around Jan 9th-13th but we will set a definite date on the 19th. This is extremely nerve racking for us since we aren’t sure what the military has planned. We have recently been told that we will not get housing allowance for San Francisco. So we are supposed to live in San Francisco on 1 income and only receiving housing allowance that is $916 a month. We have searched thousands of places in the San Francisco area and the cheapest thing we have found is $1600 a month.

We have been told that we could stay at the Ronald McDonald house. However, we aren’t even able to be put on the list to stay there until after Isaiah is born. So we would have to live in San Fran for about 3 weeks or so in hotels and even then we aren’t guaranteed a room there.

So at the moment we are playing the waiting game. I just hope the military tells us soon where we will be living because this isn’t something that we need to have added to our plates right now.
We are doing everything we can to stay positive and live our lives as normal as possible. But to be honest, it is getting harder and harder. I pray that God gives us the strength to handle everything that is being handed to us and that something comes through financially. Please continue to pray for our baby Isaiah’s strength, growth and will to fight!

We love you all and thank you for your continued support and prayers. Joseph and I couldn’t get through this without you all and are blessed to have you all in our lives!

Isaiah on the big screen! (a 30 minute 4-d video from the baby shower ultrasound)

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